MILLENIUM LES HOMMES QUI N’AIMAIENT PAS LES FEMMES de David Fincher basé sur le roman à succès de Stieg Larsson, avec Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig, Christopher Plummer, Robin Wright, Stellan Skarsgard et Joely Richardson, sortira sur les écrans français le 18 janvier 2012.
Merci à SlashFilm via FirstShowing.
Dragon Tattoo Sampler by ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Voici les 39 morceaux de la bande originale annoncés par Null Corporation
- Immigrant Song
- She Reminds Me Of You
- People Lie All The Time
- Pinned and Mounted
- Perihelion
- What If We Could?
- With the Flies
- Hidden In Snow
- A Thousand Details
- One Particular Moment
- I Can’t Take It Anymore
- How Brittle The Bones
- Please Take Your Hand Away
- Cut Into Pieces
- The Splinter
- An Itch
- Hypomania
- Under the Midnight Sun
- Aphelion
- You’re Here
- The Same As the Others
- A Pause for Reflection
- While Waiting
- The Seconds Drag
- Later Into the Night
- Parallel Timeline (Alternate Outcome)
- Another Way of Caring
- A Viable Construct
- Revealed In the Thaw
- Millenia
- We Could Wait Forever
- Oraculum
- Great Bird of Prey
- The Heretics
- A Pair of Doves
- Infiltrator
- The Sound Of Forgetting
- Of Secrets
- Is Your Love Strong Enough ?
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